Sunday, August 05, 2007

Before OBON

Sunday June 5th. I had a calligraphy lesson today, the lesson was okay but sitting on the floor cross-legged and wring at a low table for more than an hour was hell on my legs. I still have stiff knees eight hours later. I went for a long walk around Shingu and took a lot of photos with my cell phone. Only two came out. I SURE MISS MY CAMERA.
I walked up to a temple on the side of the mountain. A lot of hawks were hovering around the temple. I took a lot of pictures but wasn't satisfied with any of them. Maybe another day.

I walked down from the mountain to the river mouth. This shot of Shingu was taken from the Kumano River mouth. The quality of this cell phone picture is not good so you can't really appreciate the beauty of the mountains. In this picture all you see are the mountains, however in reality you can see the buildings of Shingu in the foreground.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Hello! Found your blog quite by`s nice to see your pics of Shingu and the folk at Kicc! I`m Becca, Natalie`s predecessor...miss those students! How are they all? How is Mr Morishima? and the Wednesday girls? loved that class! Hope you`re having fun living in it what you thought it would be like?
